The first in-ear-system witha a lithium battery
Since the beginning of the pandemic and wearing masks being mandatory, the In-ear hearing aid has gained popularity. Sure why not? Space behind your ears is limited, and it’s overwhelming enough to wear masks and specs.
With Livio Edge AI, we offer you a hearing aid that doesn’t interfere with your mask and offers you the freedom of impeccable hearing:- Lithium battery technology for maximum independence
- Integrated artificial intelligence, a hearing system that thinks
- revolutionary sound, special bandwidth for music in the Edge-Mode
- Take phone calls with iPhone and Android 10 upwards
- Streaming for Music and TV
- Live translation via app
- Fitness tracking via app
- And much more!
Livio Edge AI now at hörgeräte hermanns – have a listen!n
Everyone´s talking about this hearing aid
Brand New: The almost invisible mini hearing aid Signia X is available in Lübeck.
With this, the revolutionary In-ear system by Signia (formerly Siemens) enters the third round of evolution. Based on the X – series chip and equipped with the newest technological advances while reducing its size by 17% compared to its predecessor.
Many useres have reported a better understanding of speech, an improvement in confidence and comfort while receiving positive responses from their surroundings.
Our team of highly trained audiologists has closely examined this new star along with testers in the categories’ discretion, pricing, and hearing improvement.
Signia SILK: The hidden workstation
After a thorough technological exam by our team of audiologists along with the feedback of 120 testers, the new generation of Signia X has left a very positive impression: All testers have not only reported a significant improvement in understanding of their environment but also higher wearing comfort. In addition to that, we assure you that this system is so discreet that people around you will hardly notice.
“When I showed the hearing aids I have been wearing for 2 weeks to my husband, he couldn’t believe I had worn them all this time” – says a tester.
Exceptionel customer satisfaction
He marshes 900 km from Wilhelmshaven to the Zugspitze, crossed the southpole during snow storms and runs in ultramarathons: Joey Kell. Known from several tv shows and for most from being the senior brother of the popular Kelly Family,
The athlete is the symbol of reaching goals through cheer power of will – and in doing so perfroming at his best. The best was also done by the team of hörgeräte hermanns for their clients, found the 2022 survey amongst hundreds of hearing aid users, which made the awarding by the celebrity a special moment for Robin Hartmeyer.
,,Through out his life, Kelly hand so many awards in his hands, that it makes this award special for me.‘‘
The hörPlus promise
Developed by hearing experts with hundreds of clients hörPlus is offering a unique way to your best hearing experience.
- everyday analysis: Find out which signal to noise ratio defines your daily routines.
- hearing wishes : Your personal wishes are the center of our work.
- live comparision : Testing different hearing aids in the same situation by changing the device ad hoc gives you the chance to hear the differnce in products.
- quantil messurement: This scientific method enables us to give you the best possible understanding with hearing systems.
- NeuroFit : Training your audiological cotrex for maximum performance
Edgar and Robin Hartmeyer
Order your free info package now!
- 28-page hearing aid brochure
- pricing overview
- hearing test CD
- hearing aid template
- Code to unlock the hearing aid comparison portal
- discreet shipping
for customer satisfaction
Whoever’s in need of a hearing system aid in Lübeck or Bad Schwartau is in the best hands at hörgeräte hermanns! According to a customer survey from the independent quality association Pro Akustik in Hannover, customers have rated the audiologist Edgar Hartmeyer with a grade of 1,3 for customer satisfaction with their hearing aids! He and his team won the award by Pro Akustik for their exceptional work. This top-grade 1 isn’t the only one for the hörgeräte hermanns Team. In the category of overall competence, they scored a 1,2 grade, according to the quality association. “We are delighted about this award.”, says Edgar Hartmeyer.
EORA hearing jewlery now at hörgeräte hermanns in Lübeck and Bad Schwartau
-hearing to be seen-
We from hörgeräte hermanns allways want to be entrepreneurs in every field of audiological thinking. That is why we are happy to present the EORA hearing jewlery in the north of germany. This first hearing aid build into an ear ring inspired already many clients an suprises their surrounding. Eventhough the best hearing aids are trying to be invisible today, this hearing devices trys to be boald. To be one of the few premium stores to present the EORA and the different ear rings that come with it, is one of our most satisfying wins in this decade. If you want to try it, call us and get your appointment for the live comparision with EORA
About us
The company
Why hörgeräte hermanns?
The management
Since 1997 Edgar Hartmeyer has been the manager and owner of the family-owned company in Lübeck.
The history
Hörgeräte hermanns was originally founded in 1963.
The 3D printing technology enabled the production of significantly smaller and thinner earpieces, which is now used as a conventional method. After the audiologist has taken an impression from the ear canal, it’s scanned and instantly available for 3D printing. The shape and form can be exactly determined on-screen. It also enables us to simulate the technological construction to assess what makes a good fit.The hearing aid nobody sees – but everyone talks about.
Signia, the new name of former SIEMENS HÖRGERÄTE, invented the Silk some years ago and made the first serial in the chanel hearing possible.
It works with most light hearing losses and does not occlude the ear channel which would make the own voice scrawny and noisy.
By the way: The original Silk ist also produced by Signia’s daughter companys under other names i.e. HORIZON.
Unsure if a hearing aid is right for you?
Test it straight away!
The right hearing aid
We’re often asked: ”What's the best hearing aid?”
Types of hearing aids
With hearing aids, we differentiate between type, model and price range.
In-the-ear heaing aids
ITEs are known as a royal discipline among hearing aids
Tinnitus & Hearing Trianing
Additional products
Hearing aid connected audio adapters
These adapters will enable the possibility to directly combine your TV or HiFi Sounds into your hearing aid. It allows you to hear the sound via the hearing aid, and enjoy the personalised amplification while still being able to follow a conversation in a room.
You won’t need a hearing aid for these headphones to transmit the sound from your TV or HiFi System. Your loved ones can regulate the TV volume independently of yours.
Individual Headphones
Individual headphones guarantee HiFi Sound with a perfect fit. They can be modified depending on the individual needs such as colour, ports, One- or two chassis technology, and traditional or cordless connection to suit your needs. Furthermore, we can provide individualised in-ear monitoring for musicians, pilots, telephone operators or security staff.
Individual ear protection
No matter where: Festivals, concerts, in bed or at work - the ear needs to be protected, or you’ll be our customer sooner than you think.
Hunting and shooting hearing protection
Active suppression of gunshots with complete freedom of movement. With our individually manufactured products, you can hear the game change, but not the shot.
Light signalling systems
With advanced hearing loss or complex architecture, it is advisable to make warning signals visible. From doorbells to smoke detectors, from alarm clocks to telephones, this is a great way to make sure you don't miss anything. And best of all, your health insurance will pay for it.
Cleaning and care products
With our own range of care products, you benefit from the latest in hygiene research. Whether nano-pearl coating or UV drying ~ we can cover every need.
Money Air-Bag
The Money Air-Bag guarantees carefree listening pleasure. No further costs for repairs, batteries, earpieces and even loss are covered.
Paediatric Care
Even little ears sometimes don’t hear everything ~ here, professional care is even more important because the child’s brain is only just forming the speech centre. Edgar Hartmeyer has been successfully caring for children in Lübeck for over 30 years. Robin Hartmeyer has also been entrusted with the care of children since 2014 through further training as a paediatric audiologist at the Academy for Hearing Acoustics. In hearing training, we use this experience to help the strained ears better process speech. – It should be said that hearing training does not replace a hearing aid, but it does increase its effectiveness.
Spectrum of Services
At hörgeräte hermanns we differentiate between the performance classes of hearing systems in the so-called hearing scale, consisting of the classes:
Basic ~ Hearing systems that are completely covered by the fixed amount of your health insurance.
Bronze ~ Hearing systems that already have more comfort or cosmetic features than the basic class. Usually with semi-automatic control.
Silver ~ Fully automatic systems with increased comfort functions.
Gold ~ Fully automatic hearing systems with maximum comfort functions.
You determine the right performance class for yourself by comparison. This is important because every person and every life situation is unique, and that is exactly how the hearing aid must be.
Starting now! Home visit service Monday - Friday from 9:00 to 18:00 hrs
hörgeräte hermanns GmbH
Filiale am Kaufhof
Schlutuper Straße 2-6,
23566 Lübeck
Mo. – Fr. 9:00 – 13:00
Mo., Di., Do., Fr. 14:00 – 18:00
Mi. Nachmittags geschlossen
Filiale in Bad Schwartau
Lübecker Str. 8,
23611 Bad Schwartau
Mo. – Fr. 9:00 – 13:00
Mo., Di., Do., Fr. 14:00 – 18:00
Mi. Nachmittags geschlossen
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* Frage: Wie zufrieden sind Sie mit der Kompetenz Ihres Akustikers? – Zeitraum der Befragung vom 01.12.2017 bis 31.05.2018. – 1.598 Antworten aus 97 Geschäften.